When lack of sleep unbalances you

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A healthy diet and exercise are not enough if your sleep cycle is unhealthy and insufficient.

not sleeping well

Sleeping is part of the life cycle. Healthy eating and exercise are not enough if your sleep cycle is not healthy and insufficient.

Poor and poor sleep leads to stress, and even makes you sick in ways you might not even imagine. Sleep has an essential function. When all other systems rest, many other processes are activated that keep you alive.

At night, the elimination of toxins accumulated during the day in the nervous system is activated. If these toxins are not released, disorders such as inattention, concentration, anxiety, irritability, memory loss, hallucinations and even seizures can appear.

In children, growth hormone is activated during sleep.

The immune system is activated at night. That of Restful Sleep is not a saying, it is a reality.

lack of sleep or insomnia, it is difficult to fall asleep that can originate from multiple factors such as position in bed, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea which is a breathing disorder, extreme anxiety states such as anxiety and Stress, even the moderate consumption of substances that keep the nervous system active such as coffee or caffeinated products such as black tea.

Some recommendations to be able to sleep


Exercising helps the body de-stress. Activates your entire immune and circulatory system and helps eliminate toxins. A body loaded with toxins does not allow all systems to work properly, that feeling of heaviness does not allow you to relax properly either.


Try to eat light at night. There are many reasons for this, however the main one is that you need your energies to be focused on repairing your body and strengthening your defenses, not on digestion. Digestion while you sleep subtracts depth from your sleep, causing you to wake up exhausted.

Suitable area.

Having a good mattress and pillows is essential. However, you must have a dark and quiet area for your senses to settle and relax. Some dark curtains so you do not get up with the crowing of the roosters on a weekend, are ideal.


Try to adjust your schedules and have more or less regular times to go to bed. Your body will gradually get used to them. Your dream is essential, you must make it a ritual. This ritual will put you in the mood, and you will be sending a signal to your whole body that it should be relaxing to go to rest.

Lukewarm shower

Before bedtime. Showering before bed is imperative. Not only for hygiene reasons, but warm water relaxes the muscles from the accumulated stress of the day.


Smells have an incredible effect on the brain. From using lotions or bath gels with relaxing scents, placing a incense at home before starting your sleeping ritual, or applying some lotion with lavender essence , activate chemicals in your brain and relax the nervous system.

Infusions and herbs.

There are those who use to fall asleep infusions like Chamomile or take Valerian capsules. They have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, and unlike sleeping drugs, they don't leave you that morning effect of drowsiness.

Remember that there are many factors and types of insomnia, so if all the above advice does not work for you, you should seek professional help to review your medical history and determine the causes that cause the sleep disorder. Your body needs to rest and replenish energy, and the depravity of sleep can cause severe physical and mental problems to extreme degrees.

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

The psychological effects of not sleeping well can include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, mood swings, irritability, and increased anxiety and depression. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/psicologia/cuando-el-no-dormir-bien-te-saca-de-balance
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Last modified: 2024-10-20T01:31:34+11:00
