
Garlic: Humanity's Oldest Super Food.

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Garlic is considered a superfood due to its multiple health benefits. Discover how it can strengthen your immune system and prevent cancer.


 Garlic is mankind's oldest superfood. Its health benefits were recognized by Hindus, Chinese and Egyptians; both to combat the effects of old age, and today even cancer.

Garlic contains Allicin, a compound that, although it is responsible for the characteristic smell of this herb, is also the origin of the positive effects it has on health.

Allicin is a natural antioxidant, which prevents the deterioration of cells, and therefore, extends their life. For those who want to keep their look young and delay old age, the consumption of Garlic should be an essential part of the daily diet.

Likewise, this antioxidant effect is responsible for the reduction of those who take it and its incidence in many types of cancer such as colon, rectum, stomach, breasts, prostate, lungs and bladder.

It has a direct influence on lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer prevention.

It is a natural anti-inflammatory, as well as an effective antifungal. Studies have even been done where it has been shown that people who consume garlic regularly suffer fewer tick bites and develop fewer yeast infections.

Garlic contains otherwise vitamins B6, A, B, C; minerals like iodine, uranium, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur.

To preserve all the beneficial effects of garlic, it is extremely important to consume it fresh, since the benefits of Allicin are quickly lost. It is a very unstable compound and tends to deteriorate rapidly. Even overcooking it when cooking practically nullifies its positive effects on health.

In recipes Detox You can add a fresh garlic clove to add the positive effects of this herb to your diet.

Likewise, garlic oil is a good complement to your kitchen cabinet to prevent diseases.

There are those who make a habit of swallowing a daily dose of raw garlic to help prevent the increase in their levels of cholesterol.


If you cook with Garlic, and you want to avoid the gases that it produces. Press the garlic carefully with the blade of a knife sideways against a cutting board. Inside the garlic you will see a green vein. Eliminate it, as it is the source of your gastric discomfort.

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

Garlic is considered a superfood due to its numerous health benefits. These include its ability to strengthen the immune system, reduce blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, fight infections, prevent cancer and lower cholesterol. In addition, garlic is also known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an ally for maintaining good overall health. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/super-alimentos/el-ajo-el-super-alimento-mas-viejo-de-la-humanidad
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Garlic with honey is a natural remedy used to relieve cough, cold and congestion. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are also attributed to it.

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The combination of garlic and lemon is used to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and promote cardiovascular health. It is also believed that it can aid in weight loss and improve digestion.

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Eating garlic on an empty stomach is associated with health benefits, such as improving blood circulation and reducing blood pressure due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Last modified: April 14, 2024