
The Onion: A Natural Tear Bomb!

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Do you cry like in a soap opera when you cut it?


The onion may have been the inspiration in ancient times for the development of chemical weapons to paralyze the enemy.

In our case, how many times have you been paralyzed in the kitchen cutting the onion?

The reason? When cut, it decomposes its molecules with oxygen, producing various derivatives of sulfuric acid such as hydrogen sulfide, dipropylsulfide or allylpropylsulfide; Chemical compounds that stimulate the tear glands in an effort to keep your cornea clear of that sulfur. In turn, and as the burning sensation increases, the lacrimal nerve causes your eyelids to close as a protective measure.


No .. The onion on the head is a myth !. Just quickly cut the onion in half. Rinse it repeatedly so that these acids dissolve and do not form suddenly, you have half the battle won. Once you do, to chop the rest of the onion, place the cut face upside down and proceed with the rest.

Likewise, you can freeze the onion a little for about five minutes before cutting it, this delays the formation of the acid while you cut it.

Despite the unwanted effects of it, if you master the art of cutting you will enjoy all the onion benefits contributes to your health, which are many.

If none of this works for you, a gas mask is the last resort, as everything else is road tales.
Enjoy a delicious Onion soup, yes without crying and with great happiness!

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

Onion makes you cry because it contains a compound called thiopropanal sulfoxide, which when cut releases an irritating gas that stimulates the tear glands, thus causing tears. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/tips/la-cebolla-una-bomba-lacrimogena-natural
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Last modified: April 14, 2024