
Detox with Beet: Cleanses and Keeps You Young at the Same Time

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Eliminates all those excess toxins.

detox, beet

Today you can start the week with one purpose: Detoxify yourself of all those impurities accumulated by excesses, while staying young with all the vitamin that beets provide.

Don't just do the detox on Monday, take all our previous recipes and make a plan from Monday to Friday. Enjoy the weekend a little, but without excesses.

El beetroot, or beetroot has great properties to clean your body, but more than that it helps control your blood pressure and due to its rich iron content it is ideal for anemic people or people with low levels of this mineral in the body.

Remember that fruits and vegetables have their own sugars and beets are one of those that have the most, so you can avoid sweetening this detox juice with any sweetener, especially if you have an insulin tolerance or diabetes.


1 raw beet

1 apple, green if you like a slightly more acidic taste, or red if you are a little sweeter

1 sprig of parsley

As an optional ingredient, you can add ½ carrot.

½ glass of water


Place all the ingredients in the blender, or preferably in a food processor.

Blend or process all the ingredients, and if you can add a little ice.

Here are some of our previous recipes for Detox

Broccoli        Kale        spirulina       Cabbage

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

To make a detox with beets and obtain its cleansing and rejuvenating benefits, you can prepare a juice by combining raw beets, carrots, apples and ginger. Blend all the ingredients and drink this juice once a day for a week to help detoxify your body and maintain a younger appearance. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/recetas/detox-con-remolacha-limpia-y-te-mantiene-joven-al-mismo-tiempo
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Last modified: April 14, 2024