
Have you passed on the fear of bees to your children?

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Discover the importance of bees in plant pollination and their relationship with basic foods. Learn how to live with them safely.

Generally, when you think of bees, they are associated with the stings and pain they cause; Hence, many people usually kill them as a means of "prevention" to danger.

However, this insect is extremely important in the preservation of plants, but also of the human being, since they carry out the pollination of up to 60% of flowering plants, including those that produce food from our basic basket.

Another big mistake we make is to believe that the honeybee, which we can see by visiting our gardens, is a single species of bee that exists throughout the world, but in Mexico we have thousands of sub-species of bees and several of their typologies are endemic to the country, that is, they only live here, due to the combination of climates found in our beautiful territory, ranging from semi-arid areas in the North to tropical areas with exuberant flora and fauna in the southeast of the country.

Surely you are asking yourself something very similar to "if we must not kill them, how do I prevent them from getting dangerously close to my children?" One of the things we can do is teach our children that they do not have to fear bees since they will only sting when they feel threatened, so they do not have to be disturbed and by simply blowing lightly they will move away so as not to be disturbed .

Another means to keep them away from our children is to place flowering plants at home outside the space where our children will be playing, so this insect worker will go to the flowers away from our children and will not prowl around them looking for their sweet food. It is also beneficial to teach children the good things that bees do, for example, that by pollinating plants we can have a great diversity of food, also without bees we would not have that delicious and sweet delicacy that we name miel.

Another thing that our little ones should know about bees is that they are at risk of disappearing due to situations such as intense air pollution, excessive deforestation that takes away living spaces and feeding areas, as well as the use of pesticides.

One way to help conserve the bee population is to consume much less processed food, to buy fruits and vegetables from local producers or at least from towns close to ours and, in the best of cases, to install a small home at home. urban gardenIn this way, our little ones will be able to live with a healthy environment that also protects the small insects that perform enormous tasks.

So now you know a little more about the importance of bees, on how we can take care of the existence of this insect from our own action and above all from the services that they provide us, causing the symbiosis that surely you did not imagine that we, both we humans and many other species, had with this small insect so erso and spread on the planet.

Already hoping to have changed your idea about bees from "an African killer insect" to an idea closer to that of "a family in a hive" we want to say goodbye with a sweet reflection for you:

"Have you instilled fear of bees in your little ones?"


Our mission is to promote the development of society in harmony with the natural environment and respect for living beings.

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

It is not advisable to instill fear of bees in children in the context of ecotourism and conservation, since bees are essential for the pollination of plants and the preservation of ecosystems. It is important to teach them to respect and value these insects, promoting awareness of their importance and encouraging safe practices when interacting with them. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/ecoturismo-y-conservacion/le-has-inculcado-el-miedo-hacia-las-abejas-a-tus-pequenos
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Last modified: April 14, 2024