
Autumn has arrived, and with it the Colds: Lemon and Honey Infusion.

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It is highly recommended to increase the consumption of foods with many vitamins that strengthen the immune system.

Autumn came, and with it colds. Infusion of lemon and honey.

Christmas time is approaching, and autumn is the signal that the festivities are approaching.

However, temperatures in the northern hemisphere fall, contrary to what happens in the southern hemisphere. And with it, the defenses go down, and the tendency to get the flu increases.

The most sensitive to this are our children, so from now on it is highly recommended to increase the consumption of foods with many vitamins that put the immune system on top, and prevent their parties from becoming a period of convalescence and health problems .

Do not let them go out without coats, do not walk barefoot at home, and above all eat well and healthy.

In case this fails. Here we provide you with a recipe for a lemon infusion that has multiple benefits such as detoxifying and purifying your body, while working as an antimicrobial agent that fights bacteria

Due to its vitamin C content, it raises the defenses and helps fight the symptoms of flu.


5 lemons

1 liter of water 1 teaspoon of agave honey or stevia


Boil 1 liter of water, adding the peels of the lemons from which you have squeezed the lemon juice, for about 10 minutes.

Turn off the heat and add the lemon juice.

You can sweeten with agave syrup or stevia

Remember that to avoid contagion, it is necessary to wash your hands constantly and maintain a healthy and varied diet that helps keep your defenses up.

If you suffer from muscle aches, headaches or a sore throat there are natural remedies in your own kitchen. But if your symptoms are greater, remember to always seek medical attention to avoid serious complications from a poor self-diagnosis.

Do you want to incorporate this infusion and others to your diet? Look what other healthy infusions we have for you in Equilibrium

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

To prepare a lemon and honey infusion to combat colds in autumn, you simply have to heat water until it is lukewarm, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and drink this infusion twice a day to relieve cold symptoms and strengthen your immune system. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/recetas/llego-el-otono-y-con-el-los-resfriados-infusion-de-limon-y-miel
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Last modified: April 14, 2024