
Stretch the life of your muscles and joints

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By increasing the intervertebral space, you help the nerves to free themselves and improve blood circulation.

Stretching muscles and joints before and after all physical activity is not to demonstrate flexibility and muscularity to the opposite sex in the gym, which is a real dread in mating season.

Stretching is imperative if you want to avoid injuries and extend your sports life.

Stretching before sports and other physical activities has its reason for being. When you stretch laterally, you help your body create spaces inside your abdominal cavity, expanding the diaphragm and allowing your spine and sternum to detach; which results in the possibility of breathing deeper and better.

By increasing the intervertebral space you help the nerves to be released, improve blood circulation, and of course, you help your spine to have more elasticity and freedom of movement. In Yoga, this freedom of movement and feeling of lightness contributes to the flow of movements and therefore the transmission of the feeling of happiness, peace and harmony.

The stretching process is not only for muscles and joints, breathing exercises must be done to expand the diaphragm and lungs, which will allow the entry of more oxygen to the body and the muscles that will need it a lot during sport.

Each sport or physical activity emphasizes certain areas of your body, which will be the most demanding; therefore the positions vary from one to another. On Tennis For example, many positions are performed to stretch elbow and shoulder ligaments, since they are one of the main injuries that occur in this sport. In marathoners, the ankles, knees and hips; for obvious reasons.

En  Crossfit there is a mandatory stretching section prior to each Work Out of the Day (WOD), and each day, as this varies, so do the daily stretching exercises.

In football, the most common injuries are muscle tears and meniscus tears in the knees, causing not only great pain but also long recovery periods until they have to abandon said practice.

After sports, stretching is essential to remove the lactic acid of the muscles, and avoid that it comes into contact with the nerves as little as possible, which is the cause of pain after exercise; as well as the tightening of the muscles.

A good sports practice or physical preparation should always include muscle stretching before and after. If you want to have a long sporting life, avoid injuries by doing sports without stretching and warming up directly, as your chances of an injury increase, as well as the possibility of a long rest that will make you go crazy in an armchair if you are addicted endorphins and lactic acid.

There are vitamin supplements that help the health of the synovial membrane of your joints by keeping them flexible and lubricated; however, nothing replaces good nutrition and a good stretching session for the muscle groups that you will use in your sports practice.

Last modified: April 14, 2024