
Chamomile infusion and go to bed to sleep

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Chamomile infusion is to calm the nerves, but did you know that it does more than that?

Since time immemorial we have been hearing from the mouths of grandmothers and mothers that the infusion of Manzanilla is to calm the nerves, but did you know that it serves more than that?

The dried chamomile flower put in boiling water has many more positive effects than just preparing the appointment with Morpheus.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxation properties in the body. Otherwise ideal for the days of the period.

It is an excellent mild diuretic, less strong than Green Tea.

Helps fight stress and depression by relaxing the nervous system by reducing anxiety.

Among the other medicinal properties of chamomile, you can count that it helps control nausea and sore throat.

To fall asleep you can use it as part of your regular routine before going to bed. And if its taste is a bit bitter, you can add a little stevia or agave honey to make it delicious to your palate.

Plant flowers such as chamomile orcalendula not only beautify your garden, but they feed the bees and are part of your natural home medicine cabinet.

Sweet dreams!

Frequently asked questions from our readers:

Yes, chamomile infusion helps you fall asleep due to its relaxing and sedative properties that help calm the mind and body, thus promoting deeper and more restful sleep. Read more here: https://www.equilibriumx.com/tips/infusion-de-manzanilla-ya-la-cama-a-dormir
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Last modified: April 14, 2024